Slow Food Saddleback’s Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 14 October at 3pm in Gerringong. With a captive audience still finishing their cake and coffee following the Sauce Workshop, we quickly set to work on the important things.
A new Committee was elected and office bearers chosen. The financial statements showed a healthy bank balance that will be used this coming year to further some of our aims.
It was pleasing to have a large group with ideas and suggestions for planning for the future. Already new projects are emerging in the area that are important, and sit well the Slow Food ideas. Celia will do a follow up post on this site in the near future, detailing SFS plans for next year.

The new Committee is Celia Wade – Leader/Secretary
Michael Blythe – Treasurer/ Ticket Secretary
Judith Ball, Carolyn Evans, Helen Attwater, Liz Churcher, and Judith Flynn make up the rest of the Committee.
We would welcome any suggestions and ideas from members at any time, and thank everyone for all their enthusiasm and involvement over the past year.