Slow Food Saddleback News

Spring Brunch – create and share


A variety of delicious things to eat will be created on the day under the direction of group leaders and then shared by all.  OK, we may not make bread, we will collect from our favourite bakers.

Come and share your skills, and don’t worry about the weather we can all be undercover.

This event is for Slow Food Saddleback members only – numbers are limited as we will all be involved in food preparation

When:  Sunday 22 September 2024, 11.30am to 2.30pm

Where:  Celia and Des’s home in Kiama (more details closer to the day)

Cost:  Slow Food Saddleback Members only – $50

To book:  Try Booking:

Special Date to Note
The Slow Food Saddleback Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 October at Silica restaurant followed by our Annual Dinner with Luke and the staff.

This has become a much enjoyed tradition that makes a real occasion of the AGM.

Please put the date in your diary